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Atomic Runner - Chelnov Theme - / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
[チェルノブ/Chelnov(Atomic Runner)]より、Chelnov Theme(Stage1)をSONICWAREのMEGA SYNTHESISで再現しました。
Переглядів: 67


Hard Drivin' - Crash Replay - / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
Переглядів 597 годин тому
[ハードドライビン/Hard Drivin']より、Crash ReplayをSONICWAREのMEGA SYNTHESISで再現しました。 FMトラックで足りない部分はPSGトラックで補っています。 今回も最終調整のSmplTrekで薄くリバーブをかけました。 ゲーム中でのリプレイは短いうえにフルで聴けることが少ないのですが、今回はたっぷり1分以上のループとして思う存分聴くことができます。 牛の出るゲームはイイゲームなんですよ。 #MEGASYNTHESIS #SONICWARE #HardDrivin
Переглядів 30719 годин тому
SONICWAREのMEGA SYNTHESISにて制作したオリジナル楽曲です。 架空のゲームの音楽を想定し、どことなくメガドライブを感じさせるようなニュアンスで作っています。 シーケンスやエフェクトは全てMEGA SYNTHESISのみで行っております。 撮影のために最終出力をSmplTrekに通していますが、今回はSmplTrek側でのエフェクトはかけていません。 #megasynthesis #sonicware #メガシンセシス
Переглядів 23621 день тому
[ジュエルマスター/JEWEL MASTER]より、Jewel MasterをSONICWAREのMEGA SYNTHESISで再現しました。 FMトラックで足りない部分はPSGトラックで補っている他、NOTE長の設定が適切に行えない部分なども多かったのですが雰囲気を残しつつシーケンスを組んでいます。 また耳コピ困難箇所がありフレーズ自体やノートの位置など、かなりごまかしています。 さらにはロングトーンはサウンドがパターンをまたげないためつなぎ目が一瞬途切れたりしますが、全体的な感じとしてはオリジナルに近づけたかと思います(今回は難儀しました)。 今回も最終調整のSmplTrekで薄くリバーブをかけました。 ジュエルマスターは結構難しくて結局クリアはできませんでしたが、軽快な音楽と指輪の組み合わせで攻撃が変わる、そして組み合わせる画面のデカい指グラフィックがものすごく印象に残っていま...
WolfChild - Stage 1 : Wolfship - / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
Переглядів 274Місяць тому
[ウルフチャイルド/Wolfchild]より、Stage 1 WolfshipをSONICWAREのMEGA SYNTHESISで再現しました。 FMトラックで足りない部分はPSGトラックで補っている他、いくつかのトラックに薄くディレイをかけてあります。 また耳コピ困難箇所があり、少しごまかしています。 尚、最終付近のロングトーンはサウンドがパターンをまたげない(パターン変更時にノートオフが強制的に入ります)ためつなぎ目が一瞬途切れます。 今回も最終調整のSmplTrekで薄くリバーブをかけました。 ウルフチャイルドはゲームをプレイしたことはありませんがMEGA-CD版の曲がゲームソングコレクションCD(雑誌の付録)に入っており、気に入った曲の一つでした(Wolfshipはその曲によく似た構成です)。 このゲーム。カッコいい曲が多いですね。 #MEGASYNTHESIS #SONIC...
Переглядів 277Місяць тому
[武者アレスタ/武者ALESTE/M.U.S.H.A]より、Alpha WaveをSONICWAREのMEGA SYNTHESISで再現しました。 ディレイラインは本体のディレイFXを使用し、またFMトラック数が足りない部分はPSGトラックで再現しています。 ドラムトラックは元はFM音源ですがPCMトラックでサンプリングしています。 またループ部分に関してドラム部分が若干違っています(本来はループ時にはブレイクが入らないです)。 今回も最終調整のSmplTrekで薄くリバーブをかけました。 武者アレスタをメガドライブミニでプレイしなおしましたが、やはりSTGは難しいですね・・・ この曲はラスト付近で流れるっぽいんですが我が腕前ではとても到達できないのでコンフィグのBGMテストで確認したのみとなっています。 #MEGASYNTHESIS #SONICWARE #MUSHA
Phantasy Star 3 - Oath of Love - / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
Переглядів 420Місяць тому
[時の継承者 ファンタシースターIII/Phantasy Star III]より、Oath of Love(Wedding)をSONICWAREのMEGA SYNTHESISで再現しました。 本体の同時発音の計算の為か同時発音数内でも一部音声が途切れがちとなる他、FMトラックの足りない部分は似たような音色のトラックにまとめています。 今回も最終調整のSmplTrekで薄くリバーブをかけました。 ファンタシースター3内では全編を通して数回しか流れないにも関わらず、印象に残る曲として有名ですね。 #MEGASYNTHESIS #SONICWARE #PhantasyStar3
ToeJam Jammin' - ToeJam Jammin' - / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
Переглядів 3082 місяці тому
[トージャム&アール/ToeJam & Earl]より、ToeJam Jammin'をSONICWAREのMEGA SYNTHESISで再現しました。 シーケンスの制約などにより、一部のフレーズのノート分解能がオリジナルと異なり長めとなっている他、耳コピがうまくいかない部分もあり、いくつかの部分で端折ったりしています。 独特のノリに関してSwing機能で再現を試みましたが、本体のみだと難しかったです。 (当初はNOTE長を1/32でやってましたが上手く行きませんでした・・・) 今回も最終調整のSmplTrekで薄くリバーブをかけました。 トージャム&アールは以前は持っていていてクリアこそできませんでしたがファンキーな音楽とキャラの奇怪さがゴキゲンだった記憶があります。 #MEGASYNTHESIS #SONICWARE #Jammin
Twisted Electrons Blast Beats Ver4.0 Major new features
Переглядів 5242 місяці тому
FW4.0の主な新機能のテストです。 0:00 新しいStutter/Drillモード 0:43 キットのバリエーション切り替え 1:51 シンセトラックのスケールとトランスポーズ 2:52 ビブラートの速度変更 3:37 ステップごと/シーケンスのマイクロタイミング 最新ファームウェアとマニュアルは以下からダウンロード #twistedelectrons #blastbeats #ymf262
Переглядів 7232 місяці тому
[アウトラン/OutRun]より、Last WaveをSONICWAREのMEGA SYNTHESISで再現しました。 当初は波音もFMトラックで作成していましたがロングトーンによる同時発音数制限に引っかかった(発音数自体は6音以内)ため、波音はPSGトラックで代用しています。 また、ディレイトラックは本体FXでカバーしています。 今回も最終調整のSmplTrekで薄くリバーブをかけました。 アウトランはどの曲も素晴らしいのですが最も好きなLast Waveにチャレンジしました。 #MEGASYNTHESIS #SONICWARE #OutRun
Переглядів 2923 місяці тому
[CRYING クライング亜生命戦争/Bio-Hazard Battle]より、Stage7をSONICWAREのMEGA SYNTHESISで再現しました。 ディレイトラックは本体FXでカバーしています。 今回も最終調整のSmplTrekで薄くリバーブをかけてました。 クライングはグラフィックもサウンドも独特で良いですね。 ただ目茶目茶難しくて実はクリアはおろかStage7に到達した事はありません・・・(曲聴くだけ) #MEGASYNTHESIS #SONICWARE #BioHazardBattle
BONANZA BROS - Skyscraper Theme & Bonanza Brother's Duty - / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
Переглядів 3523 місяці тому
[ボナンザブラザーズ/BONANZA BROS]より、Skyscraper ThemeとBonanza Brother's DutyをSONICWAREのMEGA SYNTHESISで再現しました。 FMトラックの足りない部分はPSGトラックやPCMトラックにて代用している他、本体FXでディレイトラックをカバーしています。 相変わらず耳コピ難儀なトコもあるので細かい部分はかなりごまかしています。 メドレー形式にする為BPMを統一している他、Skyscraper Themeはメガドライブ版には無いブリッジ部分をアーケード版とS.S.T.BANDのアレンジ版を参考に作っています。 今回も最終調整のSmplTrekで薄くリバーブをかけてました。 ボナンザブラザーズは大好きなブルースブラザーズを知るきっかけになったゲームなので(おそらくブルースブラザーズの楽曲を参考にしているであろう)Sky...
Переглядів 4483 місяці тому
[ギャラクシーフォースII/Galaxy Force II]より、DefeatをSONICWAREのMEGA SYNTHESISで再現しました。 FMトラックの足りない部分はPSGトラックにて代用している他、本体FXでディレイトラックをカバーしています。 この曲も耳コピが難儀で、細かい部分とかかなりごまかしています。 今回も最終調整のSmplTrekで薄くリバーブをかけてました。 ギャラクシーフォース2、曲めっちゃカッコいいですよね。 ただ、ゲームはクリアできませんでした。 #MEGASYNTHESIS #SONICWARE #GalaxyForceII
Переглядів 2533 місяці тому
[クラックダウン/CRACK DOWN]より、Kill OffをSONICWAREのMEGA SYNTHESISで再現しました。 FMトラックの足りない部分はPSGトラック、そしてリズムトラックは主にPCMトラックで代用しています。 今回も最終調整のSmplTrekで薄くリバーブをかけています。 ゲームはシンプルな感じですが曲はめっちゃカッコいいですね。 #MEGASYNTHESIS #SONICWARE #CrackDown
Monster World IV - Overture - / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
Переглядів 2983 місяці тому
[モンスターワールドIV/Monster World IV]より、OvertureをSONICWAREのMEGA SYNTHESISで再現しました。 本編にはありませんがサウンドの一部をパンニングで動かしてステレオ感を増しています。 今回も最終調整のSmplTrekで薄くリバーブを書けています。 この曲はホント癒されるので永久ループで聴いていられます。 あとアーシャもペペログゥも最高。 #MEGASYNTHESIS #SONICWARE #MonsterWorldIV
Переглядів 3534 місяці тому
Переглядів 4714 місяці тому
Langrisser II - Neo Holy War - / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
Переглядів 2914 місяці тому
Langrisser II - Neo Holy War - / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
Vapor Trail(空牙) - Vapor Trail - / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
Переглядів 8774 місяці тому
Vapor Trail(空牙) - Vapor Trail - / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
Sword Of Vermilion - Title & Statts - / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
Переглядів 4574 місяці тому
Sword Of Vermilion - Title & Statts - / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
Переглядів 5484 місяці тому
Переглядів 3424 місяці тому
Переглядів 4154 місяці тому
Переглядів 4244 місяці тому
Переглядів 1,7 тис.5 місяців тому
Phantasy Star 2 - Pleasure Stream / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
Переглядів 6375 місяців тому
Phantasy Star 2 - Pleasure Stream / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
Переглядів 4335 місяців тому
Phantasy Star The End Of the Millennium / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
Переглядів 4525 місяців тому
Phantasy Star The End Of the Millennium / SONICWARE MEGA SYNTHESIS
OTHER-32(MOOG MOTHER-32-Like Synth) by nord MODULAR G2
Переглядів 1196 місяців тому
OTHER-32(MOOG MOTHER-32-Like Synth) by nord MODULAR G2
OTHER-32LT1.0(MOOG MOTHER-32-Like Synth) by nord MODULAR G2
Переглядів 616 місяців тому
OTHER-32LT1.0(MOOG MOTHER-32-Like Synth) by nord MODULAR G2


  • @SonicVibe
    @SonicVibe 21 годину тому


  • @staybrill4443
    @staybrill4443 22 години тому


  • @kurisuchiinathecrocodile333
    @kurisuchiinathecrocodile333 22 години тому

    Nice cover of a great song!

  • @RobbekenSynthMusic
    @RobbekenSynthMusic День тому

    I’m not as familiar with this one, but good work all the same!

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize День тому

      Thanks for listening. This game is a cult classic released by Data East Co., Ltd. (Deco) in Japan. It was originally an arcade game, but when it was ported to the Mega Drive, the background graphics and sound were improved, making it a strange game.

  • @staybrill4443
    @staybrill4443 3 дні тому

    💥 🚗

  • @huangdimusic
    @huangdimusic 3 дні тому

    thats some funny shit right there 😂❤

  • @huangdimusic
    @huangdimusic 3 дні тому

    no bro Road Rash but nice try

  • @RobbekenSynthMusic
    @RobbekenSynthMusic 5 днів тому

    Ah, pretty little tune. Nice job. Gain Ground is a surprising old favorite of mine. It’s slow but there is something about the gameplay and music I like a lot.

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 4 дні тому

      Thank you! I tried this song because it's my favorite GainGround song. What's fun about GainGround is that you don't just rescue friends trapped in the virtual world, but also use their avatars' abilities to overcome it together. Battles in virtual worlds are now a technique that can be seen in a variety of content such as games, movies, and anime, but I think it was a rather rare situation when it was released.

  • @staybrill4443
    @staybrill4443 7 днів тому

    We’re back! 🕺🏻 🕺🏻 🕺🏻 7 patterns as well!! 🔥 EDIT: okay, more than 7 😅

    • @huangdimusic
      @huangdimusic 7 днів тому

      damn straight someone call the fireman this shit is on fire 🎆PARTAYYYYYY!!!! 🎆❤‍🔥😆

    • @staybrill4443
      @staybrill4443 7 днів тому

      @@huangdimusic ☝🏻this one knows it!!

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 7 днів тому

      That's right. This song uses 10 patterns. I used up all the patterns so I couldn't fit them all into one pattern bank.😅

    • @huangdimusic
      @huangdimusic 7 днів тому

      @@SoundOptimize awesome keep at it 😀

    • @staybrill4443
      @staybrill4443 7 днів тому

      @@SoundOptimize Well done on a good job. I know your pain with using all of the patterns and banks up. Clearing them is like having to choose which children to keep 🤪

  • @ronsone8373
    @ronsone8373 7 днів тому

    Its like playing snes again❤

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 7 днів тому

      Thank you! I'd like some manufacturer to make a hardware synthesizer (sampler?) with SNES sounds.

    • @huangdimusic
      @huangdimusic 7 днів тому

      @@SoundOptimize ye bro start samplin' more shit on your megasynthesis 😁

  • @SonicVibe
    @SonicVibe 8 днів тому

    The sound out this machine will never loose nostalgia

    • @huangdimusic
      @huangdimusic 8 днів тому

      damn straight

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 7 днів тому

      It's modern retro music hardware. I never thought I'd be making music with Mega Drive sounds in 2024.

    • @SonicVibe
      @SonicVibe 7 днів тому

      @@SoundOptimize agreed 👍

    • @huangdimusic
      @huangdimusic 7 днів тому

      @@SoundOptimize but we are

  • @huangdimusic
    @huangdimusic 8 днів тому

    ye bro ❤ quality

  • @huangdimusic
    @huangdimusic 17 днів тому

    after a while tinkering with mine i returned it , the sequencer just didnt do it for me , the lack of control over step notes duration is lacking for me like you cant control the note lenght per step seems theres only one type of note duration and ya gotta use the attack release knob to tight up the notes and to tie them it's really complicated plus control over making legato notes is very hard also , i found the machine to be very hard to master and the small screen doesn't help much either so decided to get a roland jd xi which is more suitable for my musical needs since fm synthesis doesn't tick with me sounding like those old adlib dos pc games, never the less u seem to get the hang of it and ur the best youtuber imo that makes real tight stuff with it, keep up the good work , love ur covers , i would suggest try covering blades of vengance track 6 and also atomic runner chelnov's theme. aside from that i think it wouldve been better if they had added the 6 fm tracks along with the extra 3 psg like the mega drive to be more accurate and the ability to export to vgm, imo to me just sounds like stuff done in GEMS

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 16 днів тому

      The sequencer of MEGA SYNTHESIS (LIVEN series) is certainly unique. It took me a while to get used to it. In particular, the step-based sequencer required me to reset the knowledge I had gained from DAWs that allow mixing note lengths. Even now, when I create a sequence by layering notes, I think about it more difficult than with a normal sequencer, imagining and analyzing the current situation. It is much easier to create a sequence using a DAW, but it is fun to try to see how far I can go using only the device itself. I hope you can have such an experience with ROLAND JD XI. By the way, by coincidence, I am currently analyzing the Atomic runner (Chelnov) in order to challenge it next time. I am busy so it will be a while before I can do it, but I think I will be able to make an interesting sound cover, so please be patient. Thank you for always watching my videos!😄

    • @huangdimusic
      @huangdimusic 16 днів тому

      @@SoundOptimize well with the roland jd xi ill be breezing through I'm sure as I will be ordering it over next couple of weeks. I'ts a bit of more professional kit which im familiar with like the electribe mx which I love , you can edit each note lenght step by step and you have more control on stuff you do and the mega synthesis didn't feel like that to me which was a shame really as is like you said you have to take it in a different approach and sequencer isnt easy to master. Anyways love the stuff you do with it and looking forward to your new covers 😄 Cool! Chelnov's theme is really catchy and the other track from blades of vengeance is really good also definitely check them out 👍 I'm also uploading some music I made from past years including some mega drive chiptunes with vst, you're welcome to check my channel and listen if you'd like. As for your Jewel Master cover it's excellent. Real tight and excellent programming as always.

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 10 днів тому

      @@huangdimusic I usually use Elektron and other hardware sequencers, and I use them intuitively. (Though Elektron is also quite unique.) LIVEN has a small display and a variety of functions packed into a small body, and as its name suggests, it is designed for live performances, which may be why it has taken on this form. I personally think that if I want more detailed sequence control, I will use it via a DAW. JEWEL MASTER was particularly difficult to reproduce the free solo part in the second half. The original sound is always bent, so it is difficult to determine the exact notes, and I have to cheat quite a bit to reproduce this with MEGA SYNTHESIS. I have also subscribed to your UA-cam channel and enjoy your videos. The synth sounds are like my favorite 90s to 2000s (in a good way, of course), and they are super cool.👍🎹

    • @huangdimusic
      @huangdimusic 10 днів тому

      @@SoundOptimize Elektron is good even tho I stopped bothering about new gear since everything I have is great already. You mentioned that you use them intuitively and that's the way is supposed to be. ''LIVEN has a small display and a variety of functions packed into a small body, and as its name suggests, it is designed for live performances, which may be why it has taken on this form. I personally think that if I want more detailed sequence control, I will use it via a DAW.'' As for the Liven, I think that even for a Live the screen is extremely limited unless you completely mastered it and you know every nook and cranny of it. As for Midi, yes totally , also if you can find the midi numbers to switch sounds be better, else you'll be stuck with same patches by midi number since you're limited to 6 channels. Also personally FM Synthesis has a lot of quirks that are hard to control (master) that's why I don't like it. I go classic analogue all the way. I'm sure the Jewel Master was really hard to reproduce, takes a LOT of Effort to come up with such a good thing on that machine. ''The original sound is always bent, so it is difficult to determine the exact notes, and I have to cheat quite a bit to reproduce this with MEGA SYNTHESIS.'' yeah it's like I said the legato thing is really too much on that machine that's why I returned it. ''I have also subscribed to your UA-cam channel and enjoy your videos. The synth sounds are like my favorite 90s to 2000s (in a good way, of course), and they are super cool.'' ''(in a good way, of course),'' ofc bro I'm old school. 😄 thank you very much and glad you like it also. 🙂 keep up the good work. 💓🙂 Domo Arigato.

  • @shamburglar
    @shamburglar 19 днів тому


  • @argorytmo
    @argorytmo 20 днів тому

    Great job, sounds neat and uplifting

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 19 днів тому

      Thank you! The music in this game is really cool👍

  • @QueefMcGeesHouse
    @QueefMcGeesHouse 22 дні тому

    did you give up on the Smpltrek?

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 22 дні тому

      Although it doesn't show on the screen, we also use SmplTrek for the final adjustments in this video.😀

    • @QueefMcGeesHouse
      @QueefMcGeesHouse 22 дні тому

      @@SoundOptimize Hehe!

  • @SonicVibe
    @SonicVibe 27 днів тому


  • @shamburglar
    @shamburglar 27 днів тому

    Nailed it!

  • @staybrill4443
    @staybrill4443 27 днів тому

    Great level of depth. Well done

  • @Paulsmusik28237
    @Paulsmusik28237 Місяць тому

    Great tune

  • @huangdimusic
    @huangdimusic Місяць тому

    really nice love it ❤

  • @huangdimusic
    @huangdimusic Місяць тому

    happy ending ❤️

  • @staybrill4443
    @staybrill4443 Місяць тому


  • @SonicVibe
    @SonicVibe Місяць тому


  • @huangdimusic
    @huangdimusic Місяць тому

    wow what a surprise you did it !! 😁😁😁😁 super awesome❤❤❤❤ love it !! ❤️ as you know love that game 😜 that lead has a feedback at the very end it's very cool kinda like an electric guitar, also has a tiny pitch bend at the very end of the note on the feedback part which is probably hard to do, but your rendition is super awesome thanks so much you made my day ❤️

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize Місяць тому

      Thank you! I saw the video you introduced and thought it was cool, and it reminded me of the MEGA-CD version, so I decided to try it. I'm trying my best to reproduce the techniques and sounds using only the main unit's functions. A lone hero. Wolfchild.😀

    • @huangdimusic
      @huangdimusic Місяць тому

      @@SoundOptimize yeah its really good game , like I said its very underrated not many people know about it, but its great game and the music is great too as you know. u did really great , i love the rendition you made with the mega synthesis, you sure spend a lot of time putting it all together and all those fast notes they're all there, great work you did really! ❤️

  • @_OopsieDaisies
    @_OopsieDaisies Місяць тому

    very nice! i'm unfamiliar with that game but that song is great :)

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize Місяць тому

      Thank you! All the music in this game is cool and good. By the way, I haven't played the game yet.:D

  • @richsmith9063
    @richsmith9063 Місяць тому

    Wow, that must have taken days if not weeks to program...

  • @huangdimusic
    @huangdimusic Місяць тому

    I just found out that even tho theres only 3 fm channels with sound lock its possible to insert different sounds in same channel where empty steps are available (pretty much like a tracker). its a cool feature they implemented and its also possible to import fm sounds from other games but I've no idea how to since ya gotta use midi and Sys Ex but its cool they thought of everything.

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize Місяць тому

      Soundlock is a great way to remove track restrictions. By sound-locking rhythm tracks that do not use PCM (e.g. kick, snare, hi-hat, etc.) to individual steps, you can play rhythms on a 1FM track. This is a method that was also used in Mega Drive games. As for the FM sound import function, as far as I know, I think this is for restoring the FM sound (SysEx file) backed up with MEGA SYNTHESIS. Therefore, I don't think it is possible to import parameters of FM sound files created with other hardware. In addition, there is a parameter conversion table with the actual YM2612 in the download area of SONICWARE's support page. This is a table that converts the original parameters of YM2612 to settings for MEGA SYNTHESIS, and I read an interview with Yuzo Koshiro, who also created preset data for MEGA SYNTHESIS based on this table.

    • @huangdimusic
      @huangdimusic Місяць тому

      @@SoundOptimize yeah wouldve been cool if we could import sounds from other games using RYMcast or something but seems that's not possible so everything has to be done by ear. Got my mega synthesis today and learning how to work with it. Really impressed by it, sounds exactly like the mega drive and it's sounds tight even better than on the videos! I'm really happy with it. I also got a lot of samples from games from the legend of renegade if you're interested just look him up on youtube. I'll be sampling them Wolfchild drums for sure 🤣

    • @huangdimusic
      @huangdimusic Місяць тому

      @@SoundOptimize well i got my mega synthesis today and im really happy with it. batteries dont last very long btw , kinda like a game gear. waiting for my volca psu to arrive tommorrow anyways. got the conversion table you mentioned and seems all the parameters are reversed, like on the 2612 is 128 the mega synthesis is 0 from what i understood. if importing sounds directly to the MS is not possible then only way is to use a pc import to a tracker and check all the parameters and program it manually on the mega synthesis. As for the rest, still learning the instrument and in the future be sampling drums too, be fun.

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize Місяць тому

      ​@@huangdimusic Welcome to the world of MEGA SYNTHESIS! MEGA SYNTHESIS (and the LIVEN series) can be operated on batteries, but I purchased an adapter set. To stop concentrating on the remaining battery power. Strangely, the parameters of YM2612 itself seem to be different from general synthesizer parameters. Therefore, each hardware and software manufacturer seems to be thinking about whether to make it closer to the actual chip operation or to make it easier to use as a synthesizer. When I have a tone that I want to port to MEGA SYNTHESIS, I convert the parameters of the software (ChipsynthMD or RYM2612) to MEGA SYNTHESIS and input them manually.

    • @huangdimusic
      @huangdimusic Місяць тому

      @@SoundOptimize thanks for the advice! I will do that if needed as at the moment i'm still learning how to work with it. 😄

  • @ickyconcrete5370
    @ickyconcrete5370 Місяць тому

    Reminds me of pop'n twinbee in a good way!

  • @LihaiZheng
    @LihaiZheng Місяць тому

    🎉nice idea! I get them both😊

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize Місяць тому

      Thank you for watching the video! To achieve this, you will need a cable (such as Roland BMIDI-1-35) to connect the E-4 and SmplTrek via MIDI.😄

    • @LihaiZheng
      @LihaiZheng Місяць тому

      @@SoundOptimize many thanks! And I am wondering which folder should I put samples in Smpltrek?

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize Місяць тому

      @@LihaiZheng I usually save Smple files in the following location. [SD CARD(ROOT)>SmplTrek>Pool>Audio] In the Audio folder of this path, folders are created for each instrument, KIT, and phrase to save sample files. This is because the POOL folder is a folder that can be accessed from any project.

    • @LihaiZheng
      @LihaiZheng Місяць тому

      @@SoundOptimize Thanks Bro! Detailed

  • @huangdimusic
    @huangdimusic Місяць тому

    panic in funkotron

  • @huangdimusic
    @huangdimusic Місяць тому

    you coukd try and make stage 1 is the one that always sticks with you the most, it has a sound that sounds like a spring which is funny 😂

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize Місяць тому

      Everything about this game is unique and good. I'm not good at STGs so I couldn't clear it, but I like the game design.

  • @huangdimusic
    @huangdimusic Місяць тому

    the question remains, can it jesper kyd?

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize Місяць тому

      sorry. I don't know much about Jesper Kyd (composer?), so I don't know if it's possible to do that, but I can almost perfectly reproduce the Mega Drive sound.

    • @huangdimusic
      @huangdimusic Місяць тому

      @@SoundOptimize he is. check Subterrania, Red Zone , Adventures of Batman and Robin ;) he made excellent music

    • @huangdimusic
      @huangdimusic Місяць тому

      @@SoundOptimize all i know is that he used all 6 fm channels also for drums so probably wont be possible to replicate his music on this machine or maybe it is i dont know lol also music from wolfchild is very good check it out , great drums too 😜

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize Місяць тому

      @@huangdimusic When I searched for his name, Assassin's Creed came up, so I thought he was a modern composer, but it seems he has also composed several works for GEMESIS. Unfortunately, all of these games have not been released in Japan, so I have never touched them, but when I watch the videos, I see that there are a lot of great songs. The drums and bass sounds are good too! MEGA SYNTHESIS has limitations on FM tracks, but for example drums can be sampled as PCM to obtain 3-voice polyphonic sound. In this challenge, if multiple FM tracks are used in the rhythm, the FM track is secured by sampling to the PCM track once.

    • @huangdimusic
      @huangdimusic Місяць тому

      @@SoundOptimize also he was very influenced by rave music back then so his songs have a lot of that like sounds morphing kinda like acid which is really cool, i love subterrania

  • @huangdimusic
    @huangdimusic Місяць тому

    i love that game!

  • @huangdimusic
    @huangdimusic Місяць тому

    stuck on my head now lol

  • @huangdimusic
    @huangdimusic Місяць тому

    awesome dude! nice to see pattern chaining also!

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize Місяць тому

      thank you! I like that patterns can be played back in chains, so you can create songs using just the LIVEN sequencer.

    • @huangdimusic
      @huangdimusic Місяць тому

      @@SoundOptimize ive been thinking of grabbing one and thats the feature that ive been wondering how many patterns can you chain at max? 16 or more? cuz im interested in making some tunes with it. I mean, probably ya won't need much since game tunes arent that long anyways lol

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize Місяць тому

      ​@@huangdimusic I just did a test regarding chain playback. MEGA SYNTHESIS stores 16 patterns in one pattern bank, and there are 8 of these banks. There are 128 patterns in total, but chain playback can span banks, so up to 128 patterns can be played consecutively. However, a pattern cannot be placed multiple times in a chain. When chain loop mode is turned on, when the last pattern in the chain finishes playing, it will return to the first pattern and continue playing. When loop mode is turned off, the last pattern in the chain will continue to play in a loop. Regarding BPM, you can also choose between playing at the BPM saved in the pattern and playing at global BPM.

    • @huangdimusic
      @huangdimusic Місяць тому

      @@SoundOptimizeso you can chain any of the 128 patterns available but how many patterns can you chain thats my question

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize Місяць тому

      @@huangdimusic The number of patterns that can be chained is 2 to 128. A pattern number can only be used once in one chain, and the same pattern number cannot be used twice within a chain.

  • @SonicVibe
    @SonicVibe Місяць тому


  • @slowbro1337
    @slowbro1337 Місяць тому

    That was rather a beautiful little melody

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize Місяць тому

      Thank you for watching the video! LAST WAVE is a very good ending theme.

  • @wolfmon42
    @wolfmon42 Місяць тому

    I updated today and now the LED are acting strange. When the sequencer is running, not just one but a whole trail of LED is moving through the lower buttons so I can't see the steps well. Did they change that much? Maybe I got stuck in a mode I don't know, or maybe the update didn't work...

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize Місяць тому

      Did you enable the LED Chasing option? If you press step while holding function in step mode, the sequencer LED will Chasing positions 1-16 regardless of the sequence page. Switching the mode again will return to the previous movement.

  • @user-pr1wi1zx1z
    @user-pr1wi1zx1z Місяць тому


    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize Місяць тому


    • @user-pr1wi1zx1z
      @user-pr1wi1zx1z Місяць тому

      @@SoundOptimize ちょうどお返しプログラムの期限でドコモに返してしまいました🥲これは違約金確定ですね😭😭

  • @staybrill4443
    @staybrill4443 Місяць тому


  • @zophar1
    @zophar1 Місяць тому

    If you don’t mind me asking, which patches did you use for each of the Channels? I’m working on some PS2 stuff myself on the mega synthesis and curious to know which you used.

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize Місяць тому

      Thank you for watching the video! This video does not use MEGA SYNTHESIS preset patches, but instead converts the parameters used in Plogue's ChipsynthMD to MEGA SYNTHESIS parameters. Alternatively, you may be able to use INPHONIK's RYM2612 (and RYM CAST).

  • @totalSLACK
    @totalSLACK 2 місяці тому

    this machine is incredible.. i cant wait to miss out on another batch announcement 😅

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 2 місяці тому

      Thank you for watching the video! What's amazing about Twisted Electrons is that they proactively update the versions of their hardware even after a period of time has passed since its release. It's a great machine with more and more features.😊

    • @totalSLACK
      @totalSLACK 2 місяці тому

      @@SoundOptimize Seriously, the 4 kit variation is a mind blowing feature, and to be able to switch and alter each one so smoothly... it's amazing. I've missed out on the last 3 batches, but im looking every day, some twice, so i dont miss.

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 2 місяці тому

      @@totalSLACK The variety of sounds is a really nice update. By the way, what I liked most about this update was the sandboxing of KIT (although it is not introduced in this video). With the previous method, I sometimes had to overwrite the KIT of another song, which was a problem, but I'm very happy that with sandboxing, I don't have to worry about that anymore. The steps to create a sandbox are a bit tedious, but the batch file provided by TE was useful.

  • @IdolRetro
    @IdolRetro 2 місяці тому

    This slaps!

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 2 місяці тому

      thank you! This is FM Sound (4 operators)!🎹

  • @staybrill4443
    @staybrill4443 2 місяці тому

    A 6 pattern project! Love the commitment! 🕺🏻

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 2 місяці тому

      thank you! At MEGA SYNTHESIS CHALLENGE, we will continue to explore what we can do with just the functions of the main unit.🕺💃

  • @Helvetica_Scenario
    @Helvetica_Scenario 2 місяці тому

    After commenting about ToeJam & Earl on one of your other videos, I was hoping this might make an appearance. Very funky.

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 2 місяці тому

      Thank you for watching the video! When I made the comment about Bonanza Bros., and recently while watching a funky alien drama called ALF that is being streamed for free on UA-cam, I wanted to try T&E. I'm sorry that some of the phrases are not perfect due to the limitations of the main sequencer and my lack of technical ability.😅

    • @Helvetica_Scenario
      @Helvetica_Scenario 2 місяці тому

      @@SoundOptimize Alf! 😄Kids loved that show back in the 80s. There was also an animated series and comic books based on it.

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 2 місяці тому

      @@Helvetica_Scenario I'm jealous because the anime version is not broadcast in Japan. In the drama version, famous Japanese singer-songwriters and legendary comedians voice Alf and Will. Ha Ha Ha!😆

  • @SonicVibe
    @SonicVibe 2 місяці тому

    Funky 🎊 🎉 super cool 😎 jam

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 2 місяці тому

      The two funkiest aliens in the universe. 😎Jammin'!👽

  • @PISrex
    @PISrex 2 місяці тому

    wow amanzing. i wanna try all your moog patches in my nord modular g2 :)

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 2 місяці тому

      Thank you for watching the video! Check out the G2 Challenge List in the summary section of this video. The download link (Gumroad) to GFAM Patch is listed in the video summary section of GFAM (MOOG DFAM style synth). Other MOOG style synths are not yet completed and have not been distributed. I would like to publish these someday...

  • @RobbekenSynthMusic
    @RobbekenSynthMusic 2 місяці тому

    Oh awesome! Such a strange shooter game with music that matches. Great work!

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 2 місяці тому

      thank you! CRYING (BHB)'s characters have strange designs, but the music is organic and wonderful.

  • @Paulsmusik28237
    @Paulsmusik28237 2 місяці тому

    Thank for demonstrating this. The Tom could be a good kickdrum too

    • @SoundOptimize
      @SoundOptimize 2 місяці тому

      Thank you for watching the video! Tom can also select multiple waveforms, so you can perform various experiments.